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ARTiculAction meets Hope Hutman

An interview with the artist by Josh Ryder and Barbara Scott.  pp 90-110

August 11, 2015

New Games and Visual Narrative Suite – a Space Made for Collaboration

Most recently, the center provided an opportunity for the professor to work with artist Hope Hutman on a collaborative project called Silent Movie that allows participants to collaboratively construct short films from silent movie clips. Data collected through the project will provide insight on how short clips can be recombined for rich visual storytelling.

July 24, 2017

Mason professor creates news app for online journalists

A Mason professor has developed a new app called InstaStream for reporters and others to upload pictures directly into a Facebook livestream broadcast. The app also lets journalists see and respond to comments from people watching in real time, making a fully interactive experience.

December 03, 2017

A Glimpse Into the Blind Spot

Hope Hutman explores the same loss of control in her interactive performance piece, suggesting that agency can be limited in gaming.  “The system is designed in a certain way for you to have a certain experience and you only have so many choices in that system,” Hutman said. “I want the audience to have control in knowing what the system can do.”

March 11, 2016

Eagle Eye Freefall, What Majestic Should Have Been

A new alternate reality game, Eagle Eye Freefall, has launched to promote the upcoming Steven Spielberg movie Eagle Eye. While the game lasts only ten minutes, it’s jam-packed with action and fun that will keep even the most jaded ARG player on the edge of their seat. Seriously. One can only hope that this is the first chapter of a much longer ARG

September 06, 2008

Design Life Magazine Fall 2017, p28-29

(Not So) Silent Movie was developed last year by the cluster's artist-in-residence, Hope Hutman.   Accessed in the iPearl Immersion Theater, which includes wraparound screens, it offers passerby the opportunity to create short silent films using their choice of movie clips from old black and white Westerns and quotes drawn from Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility.  Jhala intends to collect data from the installation that considers human-computer interaction.

October 17, 2017

Compelling "Not So Silent" Film Project a Success for NC State’s Visual Narrative Cluster

Hutman’s artistic vision for the project seeks to give people the tools they need to create their own personal meaning with the content provided. The artist aims to represent the Western clips as society, and the title cards as a reflection on the generation’s civilization of self.

May 3, 2017

Out of Frame

OUT OF FRAME is a curated online exhibition showcasing work defined as Disruptive Tech.   The ten participating artists showcase technology-based works that disrupt systems, such as websites, software, apps and twitter feeds. These tech-based works disrupt with tech, through tech or in contrast to tech.​  Curated by: Belinda Haikes and Gaby Heit

​April 27, 2016

Check This Out: Eagle Eye's Free Fall Viral Game

To play, all you've got to do is head to and fill out your name and phone number. Then just follow the on-screen commands and make sure you have your cell phone handy - it will ring within a minute. The whole thing takes about 10 minutes to complete, but make sure to finish it.

September 08, 2008

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